As a consequence of this, there are two primary considerations that go into deciding which power stance combinations are the most effective: the effectiveness of a weapon type's moves, and the degree to which each weapon complements the other weapon in the combination.

Rivers of Blood, true to its name, results in a sizeable amount of blood loss in addition to its other negative effects, which include physical damage and fire damage. A build that focuses on Dexterity and Intelligence is able to deal a significant amount of damage very quickly across a variety of different types of damage thanks to this combination. This sword, when completely upgraded, has D scaling for both Strength and Dexterity, while it has B scaling for both Intelligence and Faith; to put it another way, this is an incredible melee option for any build that places a primary emphasis on spellcasting.
mtmmo.comAlong the same lines as the katanas, a build that prioritizes Dexterity and Intelligence can result in a powerful power stance when the Sword of Night and Flame is combined with the Sword of St. Trina does not contribute a significant amount in terms of raw damage; however, it is able to supplement this relatively low amount of damage with its skill, Mists of Slumber, which is extremely useful from a strategic standpoint. In addition, Trina does not contribute


Greatswords with a curve, such as Morgott's Cursed Sword and Bloodhound's Fang, are examples of this type of weapon.


1. It is a good choice for builds that place a priority on Dexterity, and it is an even better choice for any Tarnished character that places a higher priority on style than on pure mechanical optimization

2.  Morgott's Cursed Sword is a good option for builds that prioritize Dexterity

3.  The Bloodhound's Fang is doing the majority of the work, while the Cursed Sword is primarily present for aesthetic purposes and to add some bleeding effects to the Bloodhound's Fang's work

4.  This is the most significant drawback of this combination, however

5.  The Cursed Sword is primarily present for aesthetic purposes and to add some bleeding effects to the Bloodhound's Fang's work

6.  However, despite having a relatively low damage output, this weapon has a high chance of landing a significant number of hits, which more than makes up for it

7.  Bloodblade Dance is a Weapon Skill that enables the user to deliver those quick and devastating blows in rapid succession

8.  Bloodblade Dance can only be used with a Bloodblade

9.  The Nebula attack is a weapon skill that causes the caster to unleash a barrage of projectiles in a wide arc in front of them

Because the Wing of Astel does not deal a significant amount of damage to the physical body, the Bandit's Curved Sword is a fantastic accessory to pair with it. On the other hand, this weapon has the potential to deal significantly more physical damage if it is upgraded with Keen, making it ideal for finishing off foes who have been recently affected by Nebula.

If you intend to prioritize Strength as your primary stat, then the other weapon will be responsible for dealing the majority of the damage dealt by your character. This power stance combo deals a significant amount of damage and has a respectable range. The fact that this tactic relies solely on physical attacks, which are relatively straightforward to defend against, is, however, the most significant limitation of this power stance. The user of either of these abilities will also be subject to the madness effect, despite the fact that it is of tremendous benefit (especially in PvP) to them. Not only does this provide a more interesting variety of damage types, but it also renders the Treespear useful in certain PvE situations, such as when you are engaged in combat with Those Who Live With Death. Wave of Destruction is the name of the associated Weapon Skill, and it is responsible for projecting a destructive magic beam that has a medium range and can be used to deal significant damage.

As a consequence of this, the combination is extremely versatile, allowing players to craft builds that excel not only in Strength but also in any other attribute they so desire. However, a cautious playstyle can easily make use of this power stance's incredible damage. These weapons, like the other Colossal weapons on this list, have a relatively slow attack speed. When fully upgraded, these scythes have a scaling of C in Dexterity; however, the Halo Scythe has a scaling of D in Faith, while the Winged Scythe has a scaling of C in Faith. The Winged Scythe has a scaling of C in Dexterity; however, it has a scaling of D in Faith. What exactly is it about this power stance combination that makes it one of the best, considering that these are not even particularly high? Miquella's Ring of Light is a tracking projectile that performs exceptionally well in the vast majority of PvE encounters due to the fact that it is associated with the Halo Scythe, the weapon that the Halo Scythe is equipped with. The Winged Scythe utilizes this ability for its Weapon Skill.