In Fallout 76, you’ll get most of your loot from scrapping the junk you find and crafting it into something useful. However, if you hit your Stash Box’s weight limit, find yourself low on caps, or want crafting Fallout 76 Items recipes or rare weapons, you’ll need to get yourself to a vendor bot.


The best places to find vendors are in train stations, since they’re relatively free of enemies. Train stations also contain other useful things like ammo and medical vending machines, a Stash Box, and a workbench of some type so you can scrap your junk. Stations are pretty easy to find on your map — just find where the tracks intersect with a town and place your waypoint. Once you get close, you’ll see a train icon on your compass. Keep heading toward it until you discover the station.

Vendors are also located in various buildings throughout the map. These can be a little trickier to find, especially since you’ll usually have to fight off enemies to reach the vendor. Look for spray-painted signs that read “Trading Post” to guide you.

Most vendors belong to a faction, and all vendors in the same faction share a daily pool of 200 caps to buy merchandise from you. Vendors may also carry merchandise unique to their faction.


You can find most vendors at specific locations, but there is one that wanders around the map: Grahm. Grahm is a friendly Super Mutant merchant accompanied by his brahmin, Chally the Moo-Moo. He’s hard to find since his travels take him across the entire map, but he seems to stick mainly to the major highways. Here are a few places to try:

Highway 81 on the west side of the map between Wheeling in the north and the Nuka-Cola Quantum plant outside of Charleston in the south.

I-59 between the Toxic Valley in the north and t.he New River Gorge bridge in the south.

Highway 89 from Helvieta to the lake, then down the western edge of the lake to Summersville Dam.

Highway 98, U.S. 66, and U.S. 65 between the Palace of the Winding Path in the north and Harper’s Ferry in the south.

Grahm has no faction, but he shares his pool of caps with Watoga Station.


Below is a list of every vendor we’ve found in Fallout 76 so far, along Cheap Fallout 76 Items with its location and faction.